Saturday, January 19, 2008

Can't believe it

Wow - I feel pretty lucky right now. My lovely wife had to work tonight (checking for a Disney channel show "The Replacements") so I get the fun task of putting Bella to sleep. The great part about this chore is it allowed me time to put this together.We are currently in the final stages of getting the girls to sleep through the night, in their own beds. Vivi has been a trooper since the begining, but we are still have some tough transitions with Bella. So, while Vivi is at a place where we can lay her down and pretty much say "night-night" and leave the room... Bella still needs one of us to sit here and be in the room until she falls asleep. Once we have Vivi sleeping straight through the night, we can then remove her from the room and help Bella transition into putting herself to sleep, AND staying in her bed the whole night. She's pretty darn ready, it's just that at this moment, Vivi wakes up 2-3 times a night crying, thus waking Bella. Then we have 2 babies screaming and crying in the same room... and the nightmare begins there. I have a feeling that within the next month or so, it will all be worked out. Our game plan looks pretty good, and honestly, it's the only choice we have. I'm sure I'll fill in more about it later.

She has been pretty amazing this week. It seems like every time I turn around, she is becoming more and more aware of her position in this family as Vivi's bigger sister, or Ate (pronounced "Ot-tay"- Filipino family tradition title given to the oldest daughter). She realized that she holds a special place in Vivi's life and that she has this little shadow that thinks the world of Bella. I've found her on multiple occasions sharing a hug, a kiss, telling her "Good Job Vieves.. Good Job" and just being a joy to watch as the two of them interact. Of course, Bella still needs to learn to give some space and is frequently reminded when Vivi just stands up and WHACKS her one. All I know from the "so far" is that Bella loves her little sister, and it puts a little smirk on my face everyday.

She's a trip... she's totally going through this crazy phase where all day long it's "Papa Terry...Papa Terry" She wants to be in my arms at all moments of every day. Cooking- "Papa Terry", making the bed- "Papa Terry", going to the bathroom- "Papa Terry", putting on shoes- "Papa Terry", making out with my wife- "Papa Terry"... no matter what I'm trying to do "Papa Terry! PAPA TERRY!" It can be very hard at times, but I unfortunately know that this will only last for so long so I'd better enjoy it while I can. The other thing she's doing right now that just makes us laugh EVERY time she does it is say "yeah." It's her answer to just about everything, and approximately a month ago she was saying it in Armenian. Now Ani, don't correct me too much here, but.... Everytime we'd ask Vivi "Do you want ?" she's always answer with "Ha. :) " It was done with smiles and also eyes flowing with tears, frustrated by our inability to understand something she wanted, and when we would finally guess the right thing, we'd get this answer with complete broken spirit "ha...". Well, I'm sure you'll eventually find it in some video somewhere on here.. but she's still pretty damn cute with her "yeah"s. Hope it last for quite a bit longer:) "Vivi, you want some juice????"

Ok- Here's a short clip from Christmas Eve 2007. There's plenty of footage from this night, and I hope to attach more to this post later, but enjoy this one for now. This is one of the few songs Vivi kinda knows all the way through. Of course, Bella's rendition is a little creative, but SO DAMN CLOSE:) Enjoy


Martin & Grace Vu said...

Isss a ma ma whorllllll!!!!! YAY VIVI!!!!! And Bella's marching- I really think that she is THE BEST MARCHER in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!

JDM said...

Zac - this is great! More more more please...