Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ohhhh The Powers...

The Who??? No, not "The Who"... the "Powers". Otherwise known as "Gram and Gramps" or as we also call 'em "Grandma and Grandpa Powers". Still confused? Well, I don't blame ya, but let me fill you in, 'cause they are pretty amazing.

You see, back in the 80's, after my parents (Jack and Beth) had seperated and got divorced, my father remarried to a special girl named Tammy. Now, not only did her parents (the Powers) have to accept this new man into their life, but this new guy came along with 2 teenage kids. But ya know what? They couldn't have been more open and accepting of my brother and I if we had wanted them to and they always tried their best to show that we were accepted and loved as part of their family. From gifts, to showing interest in our passions, to family dinners around the holidays', to an open door with a smile each time we saw them. They lived in a beautiful house in my home town of Montvale along the brook (stream) that ran through part of town, and it was pretty tranquil in that backyard.

Unfortunately, my Father and Tammy divorced. Although my Dad couldn't have found a better mate (Peggy, you're pretty amazing... REALLY!), he really did get lucky with that second set of in-laws. You see, The Powers could have moved on, and left my brother and I alone, and it would have been completely understood. I moved out to California, and they moved down south to North Carolina. Yet, remarkably, they haven't loss touch with me.. and even more amazing, they have embraced my 2 daughters as if they were 2 grandchildren of their own. There has not been a Birthday, or Christmas, or Valentine's day, or even just a random "day" that has gone by without us hearing, or believe it or not, "receiving" a package from them to celebrate the moment. The mail is always filled with little stories from Grams about how she and "Gramps" are doing, or where they've been, or what they've done to their new house, etc. etc. It is always a pleasant surprise each time we receive the package on our front door.

This little Blog is just to acknowledge the love they have for all of us and to share with you how touched we are and how special it is to have people like this in our world. Bella and Vivi, you are surrounded by love from all ends of this continent, and I'm glad to see you both constantly embracing it.

Below is a series of photos (sorry, from at least 1 month ago) from one of the latest packages Gram and Gramps sent.

She had been saving up a bunch of SPECIAL (quite expensive I might add) stuffed animals, and she sent them along for the girls to have at it... and boy did they ever. THANKS GRAM AND GRAMPS- WE'RE SOOO THANKFUL TO HAVE YOU IN OUR LIVES!

1 comment:

Martin & Grace Vu said...

Oh MY GOD!!! I want to cry! Their smiles and faces are so priceless! Too, too, too cute!