Sunday, April 5, 2009

Prouder than hell

Although this blog entry is mostly to cover Bella getting her Orange Belt, I really want to share about how proud I am of her over all.

Like most kids going through the terrible 2's/3's, Bella was quite a handful. Tantrums, frustrations, and an overall sense of entitlement seemed to be what she was all about. I had many talks with Lynn sharing my fears of Bella for her "teen years" if we didn't do something about it now. We tried a few tricks here and there to motivate her away from the "Dark Side" but I truly was afraid we were just headed for a long struggle.

Then all of a sudden, one day I turned around and noticed something was different.

Bella was no longer a little toddler that needed to be dealt with on a constant basis, she had changed. She had become this little girl with control, and politeness, possessing a kindness I had only dreamed my girls would same day possess.

This entry is really for me to let everyone know just how proud and impressed I am with her. She tries so hard to be good and I think her true nature is really shining through.

So Bella, hopefully some day when you're down or upset, feeling unsure of yourself, or just need to hear how I really feel, you'll see this blog and it can help pick you up. You are wonderfully smart, kind hearted, good natured, funny, creative, talented and one of the most beautiful little girls I've ever met. Your inner being strives to make those around you enjoy life by the light you spread on all of us. Genevieve is so lucky that she has you as her Ate (Big sister for those non Filipinos out there) and I know l she'll continue on her path of growing and hit her own stride when it's time. With you as her role model, there's no doubt she'll reach any dream she chases.

Maybe Grace, Martin or Lynn will add a comment about how they've seen you grow and what they think of you on here, too. I know they are just as impressed as I am.

Vivi- I also wanted to take a quick moment to write something about you.

1st of all, its Sunday morning, and I'm able to write this because Lynn is still sleeping and Bella is watching Phineas and Ferb. Where's Vivi? Well, she's in her little kitchen right now. She just came out here and asked if I wanted her to "Took" for me. (quick note... Vivi is still struggling with the "c" sound.. she she really wanted to "Cook for me"). For the next ten minutes she clanked around, mixed things in her bowl, and cooked items in her little fake microwave. Minutes later, sportin' her apron, she arrived with a plate full of different plastic food, and a cup of "toffee". I took a few bites, and sipped the too hot coffee ( oh yeah, she blew on that to make it cooler for me first.) She did all this while ALSO putting her baby to sleep out here on the futon (covered by a blanket and all.) It's this part of Vivi's personality that let's me know she's headed down the right path herself. She's going through her own stage of "the 3's" but I know in the end, she too will be that little girl we are all so impressed with.

So Vivi- in case you are ever in need of some encouragement, or are not sure how we feel, hopefully you'll find some comfort in these words. You are quick witted, with a sharp sense of humor that's evident already. You're smile is infectious, and you too are one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. Bella has a lot to learn from you as you have no fear in trying new things and meeting new people. You have the same desire to spread your light on everyone around you, and you do it in a big-brassy way. I'm very proud of the little girl you're turning out to be, too.


Enough of that sappy stuff...

Onto the main point of this blog (wow, I went off on a tangent... me, of all people, couldn't stay focused...hmmm, go figure)


Bella has been studying KENPO for a short time now and has picked it up very fast. For this latest test (White, Yellow now Orange), she had to show her discipline as well as her ability to do a few of the key "basic" skills. Kicks , punches, blocks, combinations, as well as being able to stand at attention were all things she needed to demonstrate. PLUS, remembering her 3 rules... 1) Hands up - 2) Get Low, bend those knees - and 3) WARRIOR FACE!!

Ok, I know she's MY daughter, but she was THE BEST in her class. (maybe even better than some of the kids in the levels above her.) She was so focused, always the quickest to do what she was told, and yelled her KEEEYAA's (the kids respond with "DICE!") louder than anyone. Made us all very proud.

I have no idea how long she'll pursue this art, but I do know it's helped her with self discipline and taught her that she's in control of her body.

Congratulations Bella- we're so proud of you:)

1 comment:

Martin & Grace Vu said...

Yes, Martin and I were just commenting after Bella's test how much she has grown. Not just physically, but how she's gotten so mature, cute & FUN! She no longer has her unreasonable tantrums, and overall has become really, one of the SWEETEST little girls we've ever seen. (Yes, we're biased, but who cares?!)
And Vivi- she is the best little big girl cousin ever. She even loves wiping Kekoa's butt when he goes potty!!! (Ok, now HE'S gonna kill me when he's older and reads this!) She is so sweet to him and loves him so much- we can tell. Thats why we don't mind how she can get a little "rough". We know its really out of over affection! :)

And CONGRATULATIONS BELLA!!!! We love our little goddaughter warrior- she did soooo great! We can't wait till Kekoa can live up to his moniker of "warrior" also and join her ranks!

P.S. We love how in the pics Bella is doing her testing and there's Vieves either behind her or in front of her and in her way. Classic.