Sunday, July 12, 2009

Movie night is back :)

It's been too long... WAYYYY too long since we've done a movie night. So- last Friday night I decided to get us all geared up for movie night. Lynn picked the movie, we ordered the Pizza, I made our movie tickets at work, and collected them using my normal- cheesey french accent- and we all sat down to watch....

Happy Feet

I guess no one in the world has seen this movie or else I'm POSITIVE I would have been warned about the nightmare I was about to experience.

The movie started out with some crazy-assed singing from a deep in outer space shot that eventually made it's way into to a bunch of penguins signing. After seeing one big star name after another in the opening credits, I had hoped that this confusing opening sequence would eventually pay off and we'd settle into some comfy warm penguin cuteness.

Well after explaining wtf was going on to my girls every 2 minutes, there FINALLY was a little bit of cuteness 15 minutes into the movie when the little Happy Feet guy was born. But within minutes, that was destroyed by BS story telling with characters and plot that I had NO attachment to what so ever. Within minutes, my girls and I were like all WTF again as the movie continued to piss us off and hurt our brains for the next 2 hours.

You can tell by the photos that this movie night went from wonderful anticipation

to complete hatred and disgust.
(Vivi's so out of it, she didn't even sit up for the picture... poor thing)

Sorry girls- we owe you big time:)

SO watch out everyone- this movie does nothing but tell you what you SHOULDN'T do while making a film.

Luckily I've figured out how to make it up to them.
In MY household, I save all Christmas movie watching for Christmas time only.
That way- I can continue to keep the special magic of those films alive for me and our family and hopefully we'll never really get too tired of watching them.

Well- that rule is being broken on Saturday night!

I'm pulling out the big guns to make up for that horrible film and we're doing Christmas in July. Christmas themed PJ's, Food, and snacks are required for this special viewing of one of our favorites...

That's right


Who else can make us forget that horrible penguin movie than Santa's funniest helper EVER. Laughter and songs will fill this house next Saturday and I truly can't wait.

Hopefully the pics from that night will blow the ones posted here out of the water.

Sorry again girls, but look at it this way- If we didn't have these crappy films to watch, how would we know how great the great ones really are:)

Till then...


Charlene said...

That truly was one of the worst films ever made. I'm just glad the company was so much better than the movie :)

Martin & Grace Vu said...

oh man, that picture of bella giving the thumbs down!! haha!

and what's with the pics lately of diedes and her midriff?? :)